Christopher Strakosch

I am a physician at a large city teaching hospital in Brisbane, Australia. At the end of each clinical year there is a presentation at the weekly medical conference (known for historical reasons as “Grand Rounds”) on a topic which is not strictly medical but deals with the wider human situation. When I present the topic myself, I then publish the work in a booklet for the medical staff who may have missed the lecture itself. Some of the presentations might be a bit confronting but the target audience comprises doctors and medical students who are expected to have the ability to make up their own minds on the subjects.

These booklets are presented on the internet in case others might find them interesting.

A guest book is provided and I would welcome any opinions, positive or otherwise. I would especially welcome comments pointing out errors of fact if these are accompanied by documentary evidence.

Christopher R Strakosch MD, FRACP
Associate Professor of Medicine
Greenslopes Campus, University of Queensland